Make your dad proud.

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30 organic analog glitches. Perfect for transitioning from your kid’s baseball game to ballet recital.
Give life to a still frame. Pause can be used on photos, motion graphics, or to draw attention to a single frame. Includes Pause Control.
Press Play. Varieties of starting head units with rainbow transience and tape roll effects. Includes Play Control.
Recreate analog speed. Useful in timelapses, flashbacks, or just to get back to the beginning. Be kind, rewind. Includes Rew/FF Control.
STATIC is a collection of robust VHS static and snow over several levels of VHS generations. Our most popular collection.
Exclusively to our INHERITANCE collection, CONTROL is every text element able to be output on a VCR.

Legends never die.
INHERITANCE is everything. The cream of the crop. The big enchilada. The great Bambino. The myth. The legacy. Your heritage. It’s all right here.
_ INHERITANCE includes Flash, Pause, Play, Rew/FF, and Static.
_ Exclusive CONTROL pack included.
_ Interlaced native resolution for maximum authenticity.
_ 100% Dad made.

Real. Analog. Goodness.
DADS VHS is proud to announce PIPELINE - a new service that allows you to upload your video or footage, we run it through our VCRs, and we send you the result.

Don’t take our word for it.
Check out DADS VHS in action.
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But it shows you that the effect is being used far and wide!
What is DADS VHS?
DADS VHS is a collection of tape textures extracted from a variety of VCRs and VHS tapes to emulate the effects of a VCR.
Is DADS VHS 4k? What is the resolution of the files?
All of DADS VHS files are delivered in their native resolution of 640x480, or 480p. There are 2 reasons behind this. First, when these files were captured from VCRs, they are recorded over RCA connection which has a native resolution of 640x480. Delivering 4k files would simply be just as useful as the user upscaling it themselves. Second, the native resolution maintains the interlace/de-interlace properties of the files giving the user more capability to modify the effects. This also keeps the files size small while maintaining the highest quality possible.
How many files are included in each pack?
Let’s go down the list.
01 Flash: 30 flashes
02 Pause: 10 pauses + 3 Pause Controls
03 Play: 7 plays + 5 Play Controls
04 Rew/FF: 17 Rewinds & Fast Forwards + 6 Rew/FF Controls
05 Static: 9 Statics, 1 Long Static (1 min of clean static), and 5 snows
INHERITANCE includes 01-05 + 06 Control with includes the controls from Pause, Play, and Rew/FF and much more.
06 Control: A unique set of files. Control is broken down into 3 categories: Colors, Playback, and System. 48 controls.
Colors: 4 files - Color bars, Red, Blue, and White screens.
Playback: 26 files - Split into categories for user flexibility, there are 3 variations of Play, Pause, Rew/FF, Stop, Record, and Eject features in Icon Only, Icon + Text, and Text Only variants.
System: 18 files - Includes Tracking, Video Calibration, Timecode, Channels, Counters, and Playback.
How do I install these files?
Use DADS VHS like any other graphic element inside your video editing program. Import your files into your video editor, drag them onto your timeline, set to your preferred blend more (screen, add, difference, whatever you want!), and voila!
Can I use these on my phone? Is there an app?
DADS VHS is a desktop product for use in desktop video editors like Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Final Cut X, or Davinci Resolve. There is no plan to optimize DADS VHS for mobile devices at this time.
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Ur mom. Just kidding. Ur dad. Check out our about page for more details.